Monday, September 3, 2012

Mondays Music Moves Me


Happy Labor Day peoples!! Here's a few to get stuck in your head this week I hate to admit it, but I love this guy!! one more, couldn't help it the 80's live forever!! If you're not dancing, you need to reevaluate your attitude Have an awesome week y'all!!


  1. You have an awesome wee too, these were great picks, had me moving for sure!

  2. OMG you took me back to when i was younger and I danced around the house listening to all of these. total flashback to my younger days love love love.

  3. Rick Astley is a great. I used to listen to him in school. Have a brilliant week.

  4. Lol oh babe, Rick Astley? I still love you, in spite of your taste in music. It's actually 69 days now. I have a countdown on my desktop, and my phone lol.

  5. Dude of Dudes you so ROCK! Haven't seen you around for a while! Glad you stopped in to livin' up dis place! By the time I got down to your last one I'm dancin' on top of the coffee table with the kids. LOL Way to go! Swing in any time you can & thanks for sharing! HAPPY LABOR DAY TO YA AND HURRY HOME I'M THINKIN' SOMEONE IS MISSIN' YA DUDE AN AWFUL LOT! WITH SUCH TASTE IN MUSIC THEY OUTTA BE! LOL YOU ROCK!

  6. I love British music and you have gotten an awesome selection here!!!! Great one! Mine is here
    Have you an AWESOME WEEK!

  7. You definitely have some hits here! I LOVE them. I haven't heard these songs in such awhile! Thank you!

  8. My attitude doesn't need adjustment for sure. These tunes really blow out the windows this morning. You had me groovin' in my chair through each freebie pick you put up. I just love that 80s music. Thanks for dancing with Monday's Music Moves Me. You really know how to jam! =D
